Dr. Tiffany’s ‘E-Klectic’ Coaching approach


1.) I am person-centered. 

I apply the Co-Active Coaching model that aligns with my belief that clients enter the coaching relationship naturally creative, resourceful and whole. Through a designed alliance, and established trust, I frequently integrate the GROW model: Goal (aspirations) Reality (current obstacles) Options (strengths/resources) Way forward (accountability and personal actions), to co-design goals and development of action plans. My eclectic approach is undoubtedly proven to facilitate a transformative coaching experience.


2.) During each session, you have my full presence and attention.

Before every session, I take time to silence my mind and clear the space to become fully present and available to meet the needs of the client.  I pray and meditate before each session to obtain  God’s grace and guidance on how to best serve each client.


3.) I will continuously acquire new certifications and credentials. 

 I am a lifelong learner and will continue to acquire additional certifications, credentials, and apply varying assessments and tools to enhance the ability to meet your desired goals. 


4.) YOU lead and I follow. The client sets the tone of each session.

Trust, open communication, and transparency is essential for the coaching relationship. Very often, I will begin the session, asking the client, “What would you like to discuss today?” This method of engagement allows enhanced opportunities to deeply explore and understand the topics the client desires to discuss.  


So, why the eclectic approach? Well, there may be times you want to discuss one specific situation or feelings to navigate. Other times, you may need someone to help you with a decision-making process, or other various types of life situations that come your way.

Ultimately, the goal of coaching is to help you to discover and decide what is best for you, and what you are willing to do to get what you want. 

5.) Yes, No, or Counteroffer.

Action (assignments) may be required.  I will give options; however, will not instruct you on what to do. I am your accountability partner for following through on your commitment(s) made during the session. You will always have the option to say, “Yes, No, or provide an alternative to the ask.

Remember, celebrating your growth is the most rewarding part of the coaching experience and is the purpose of me taking part in this journey with you.